Friday, June 09, 2006

Adventure Day II

Sorry about not posting yesterday. I had to go to work early. This is my desk. The picture in the middle is of my friend, Rick, who wrote around the frame, "Dear God, please let me be this cool some day."

Adventure Day II started off with a 45-minute game of checkers at the chess benches near the North Avenue Beach. It was, hands down, the most intense game of checkers I've ever played.***1*** The shot above is the turning point of the match. I was blue. Jesse was red. After this round of moves I was left with one king. He had two. He somehow put himself into a double-jump situation at the end of a 45-minute game. I was on the ropes most of the time.

After checkers we played catch. After catch we walked downtown to ESPN Zone to cash in our $60 worth of gift certificates, which we found on Michigan Avenue during last week's Adventure Day. Anywho, we blew $40 on the arcade. Jesse was 2-1 against me in air hockey. That was the only highlight of this part of the trip for him.

I dominated Pop-A-Shot, going 13-0-1. Jesse was desperate to beat me, but he couldn't. I had one off game, shooting 38, and he managed to tie me. My high was 69 points. We played it for so long because Jesse kept saying, "One more. I'm not going to quit until I beat you." He ended up using the rest of the points left on his gaming card.

From Pop-A-Shot we headed to the bar. From the bar we headed to the subway, where we watched a guy draw a portrait of another guy sitting on the bench. It was unbelievable how detailed the drawing was, and it only took the guy six or seven minutes to finish. We were just making fun of some tourists on Michigan Avenue earlier in the day because they were getting crappy portraits made. I didn't even ask the guy to do me. He noticed me watching his first drawing, and as soon as he finished up, he started drawing me. He did this is four minutes. I love it.

Adventure Day II spending total = $15 = $7.50 per person.

Off to bed soon. Recording session all day with Scoot tomorrow at his crib in the 'burbs. I will try to post mp3's.

***1*** Btw, we played it with poker chips.


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