Saturday, June 03, 2006

Poker is for Everyone

Went out to the bro-/sister-in-law's house to play the Monthly Poker Game. It's capitalized. I meant to do that. As you can see, the winners receive the obligatory monetary rewards. They also receive bracelets, too. This month's bracelets were hand-crafted by the sister-in-law. They looked much better than the rubber band & ink pen job that I concocted for last month's game. The bro-in-law, seen above, won the No Limit Texas Hold-em' game.

My wife finished second in Texas Hold-em' and third in Omaha Hi-Lo. She knocked me out in that game. I wasn't polite about it. I'm never polite to anyone who puts me out of a game, cards or otherwise. I hate losing. This is a picture of her hand raking in a pot.

John won the No Limit Omaha Hi-Lo game. He's the first person in the long history of the Monthly Poker Game to become a repeat bracelet winner. He won a Texas Hold-em' bracelet last month. We've only been doing this for two months now.

I ended up beating my bro-in-law in a heads-up game of five-card draw. It took a while to knock him out. He was dealt a straight up Aces full of sevens full-house on one hand. I tried to get a bracelet out of the deal, but none of the other participants thought that I deserved one seeing as how I was just playing Chris one-on-one. I'm not bitter about it. I won $1 from it. Totally worth it.

We stayed in the 'burbs last night and got up early (10am) this morning to go to the Barrington Public Library book sale. Finds include A History of Philosophy, Decorating the Kitchen, and The Middle Ages: A Popular History. I also picked up a ton of books on writing and grammar for my students. I'm pumped.

Off to Annie's cousin's high school graduation party. Must... put... on... collared... shirt... NOOOOOOOOOOO!


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